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Ranking of the best colleges in USA

Selecting the most reliable academic institution is unmistakably the most necessary choice in one’s life. Don’t count on a miracle – investigate where your future academic institution stands with reference to degree standing, classes choice, resources, scholar opportunities and ethnical varieties. We accurately checked a lot of US scholarly institutions, all non-state owned and public, and distributed them by areas, groups and college altogether. Our methods fixates on the circumstances valued best by the learners: selection system, confinement, premises and monetary holdings, convocation percentage. Even if you are purely embarking on a trip of searching for that excelling academic institution or already hesitate about about individual ones – consider CollegeListed and nail down your college.
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Colleges and Universities in California


As of June 2014, 22.16 of California’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 7.72, four-year graduates – 19.35 and Master graduates – 7.32 of the California population.

Colleges and Universities in New York


As of June 2014, 16.45 of New York’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 8.32, four-year graduates – 18.64 and Master graduates – 10.08 of the New York population.




Colleges and Universities in Georgia


As of June 2014, 20.98 of Georgia’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 6.76, four-year graduates – 17.71 and Master graduates – 7.04 of the Georgia population.

Colleges and Universities in Florida


As of June 2014, 21.11 of Florida’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 8.72, four-year graduates – 16.81 and Master graduates – 6.34 of the Florida population.

Colleges and Universities in Texas


As of June 2014, 22.79 of Texas’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 6.44, four-year graduates – 17.51 and Master graduates – 6.24 of the Texas population.

Colleges and Universities in North Carolina


As of June 2014, 21.84 of North Carolina’s population aged over 25 had some college degree, compared to 21.29 for the entire United States. Two-year college graduates constituted 8.6, four-year graduates – 17.82 and Master graduates – 6.37 of the North Carolina population.

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